Friday, January 05, 2007

Woo, New Year and New Messes

Wow, has it been that many months? Really? Okay, well it's that time of year for making promises and trying to keep them and I think I have done pretty well with the costuming ones.

I made it to Dickens and spent what little time we had there talking with friends and bonnet bumping galore. Trystan had a very nice picture of us and I will be uploading this later.

Wow, I have been working on my pledge of last year to use up some fabric I already have. This spurred the, I must clean my costuming closet mess...some of it, this year. So I have actually bought boxes for organizing hats and I am taking inventory of business items for sale and hope to utilize my space better. I realized by using some rather helpful items from Ikea that were meant for the kitchen, I can now organize my actual sewing supplies better. By doing this, I have more room in the cabinet!

Amazing, all this room you never knew you had because things weren't organized. So, all those HGTV and DIY shows finally inspired me. My goal is to create more room for saleable stuff in my business to somehow get to where I can make money. So, I am organizing away.

Of course, organizing while I am in the middle of making a spooky mourning outfit(black thread everywhere) and a regency Ball's silk, eek! Actually, both have ravel potential and much pre-sewing and finishing must occur to have some actual fabric left to sew with for the costume. So, planning away for my two first projects of the year.

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