Well, I can say that it was one really great way to do something fun with friends and some strangers and live to tell the tale! I went to the GBACG's Ears workshop taught by Jay Hartlove. We learned how to make plaster casts of our ears. The first part is really eery as we had to have a cup placed on our ears and then had blue goo poured over my ears. It was rather bizare to have to lie with our heads on the table and trying to keep the body propped up while we were at such odd angles. The hours went by in various stages as we poured ears and had others keep it straight and then swapped with each other. The molds started with a dental mold gel, then we poured plaster and started the long process of building up the ears.
The purpose of all these stages, is to build a plaster mold of your ears so that you can then make a mold for latex or gel ears. The next step is to sculpt clay onto the tips to make elven ears, or whatever your character may be. I hope that over the holidays I will be able to do this as right now the next two months is just chaotic.
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