Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Costumer Who Lived

Feeling blitzed by the last death throws of the dealer's room, I am alive today and functioning. I am still mad about my 1870's evening bodice, but yeah, I was sewing up to the last minute.

Saturday Night
It isn't easy selling and trying to cram into a bodice that well, the front would gap a bit because I couldn't get the corset on by myself that it was designed to go with. So, my new project: black corset that fits me now, with opening front. After swearing on saturday that I didn't want to touch a sewing machine for two weeks, which is still true. But I am determined to get into it! The skirt and train actually did well, even if I was sewing the dust ruffle until the end. I think I may also make a green polonaise that could be worn over it as an option.

Then there is my challenge, to boldly costume with fabric one already has!

Oh, soon as I can edit all the pictures I took, I will get some up here and on my flickr account.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

CC26-It's almost here

I have spent hours on a costume I may never wear at this con, because I have to work the dealers room, I may not get to don it. I am so tired by the end of a day of selling, that changing costume seems a mountainous task.

The Bodice
Finally got to a point on the gray bodice where is had structure, and I can get the boning in and wear it mostly finished. MY hands are killing me and the rain outside makes them throb even more. But it is mostly complete. I did a rush job on a lot of it and well, it will never win an award. Got some sickeningly sweet ribbon roses to put in it and will try to finish the sleeves off. Hope to get a picture of it tonight to put up here.

The Over Skirt

I have to get foofy done on the overskirt, but somehow I think I will be lucky if I get the overskirt done at all..I mean it's mostly done, but the cool trim is not. I am going to be sooooo embarassed to wear this in the halls. I almost hope I do pass out after dealers room closes, just so I don't get all frustrated trying to get into the darn thing.

What, Me cranky!
Yeah, I think that after hours with evil synthetic snot fabric that qualifies getting cranky...no really. I am so glad I am wearing opera gloves because I could do a commercial for crack cream with my hands. The blood letting just gets more frequent, the godess must be pleased by now, right!

At the Con
I hope to have the digital camera and cables with me to take daily picts and put them up here and on flicr site while the con is going on. Of course, it'll be hard to go through and pict costume of the day. I will also be hoping that participants of the costume challenge I put forth will come by and share their creations if they started already. Then I will have some grand examples of how using fabric from the stash can finally be a beautiful creation.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Two Weeks Count Down to CC26-The Grey Taffeta Bodice

Whew, just got the fashion fabric and interlining sewn together and pinned up on me this am. Really tired. The bodice will need much finishing work over the next week. I really have to get the lining with the boning figured out by the end of the week.

Bodice Problems
Of course I knew that working with synthetics was going to be a twisty affair. Having underskirt, apron and the bodice of snot fabric doesn't help. I know I have to put anchoring hook and eyes and snaps maybe to get the items to all stay put, but it all seems soooo much to do. ack. I am hoping to get most of them done.

The train is a bit top heavy with the ruffles and I still have some more stuff to do on that. I have to get a lining kick done in back in satin so it will glide on carpet....we hope. I will still have to get someone to help with a running start on it I guess to make an entrance, but there will be so many other people with trains and such, how to navigate. Hmmmm, I suppose I could get really anal and look at the floor plans of the hotel and plan things that way.

Kinda happy the way it's turned out. But thinking even with the ties underneath, may not anchor it enough. Slip and slide. I will just have to congregate for the bustle poof adjustment committee and perhaps have a meeting time. If we all get each other in a row, perhaps we could get the skirts going right.