Saturday, February 25, 2006

Fantasy Renaissance Costume Takes Shape

Yes, it's an amazing thing. I actually am getting this costume done. I have been using the Simplicity Ren Fantasy collection pattern 9929. I say fantasy, because the pieces may look Renni, but they are not really. Still, if you are doing a fantasy, this costume could get knocked together in two days easy. Of course, I had to add onto the costume because, well, I had to make it a little be less flimsy.

So, my thoughts so far. The Bodice has gone together very easy. I chose View B as it could be adjusted up or down is size with a few darts or what not if needed(hint, if you plan fantasy costumes like this, you won't do huge weight fluctuations because you planned ahead)

The shoulder rolls cam out looking like our Banana Slugs do in the yard, but they are purple in this costume. The fabric is a shot taffeta with weird orange purple hue and leaf scroll all over. I have decided to ad a skirt to the bodice, make it look a little bit more real Ren. Of course, the padded rolls were about as fun as banana slugs to sew with, but I endeavored to finish them.

Notes: If you use a lightweight taffeta or other fabric for rolls. Don't over stuff them. It will try to stay straight while you fight to get your arm through it.
Also, the under chemise(which is actually the whole dress, but I had to ad more layers) runs a bit large, and I found that the bodice ran a bit small, so, don't go by your standard measurements. Make the chemise first then take measurements for the bodice over it.

Okay, now, the other purple item
The Truly Victorian 1856 Gathered Front Bodice Dress
Boy, have I gotten sucked in by the new Bleak House Series. I like the costumes very much and have been drooling over the fan fronts and wishing my mid-section was back at 25". I am working very hard on the situps and weight machines and if I get it at least to 29" I will be happy! So, since I have been drooling, I decided to use this fabric of really scary paisleys in purple. I have been fussing over this one, but all in all, it is very straight forward. But, yet again, I needed to remember that the skirts are at a height for 5'5" in height, and I needed to remember to add onto the fabric amount. So, buy two yards more than you think you will need.

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