Monday, March 23, 2009

Stash Splash

I have cut most of the bodice lining out of stash material last night and got the placket done on the skirt. Of course now to hem everything. Hate this part, think it's what keeps me finishing most costumes.

I hope to have the bodice done by the end of next weekend. Still aiming for a 98% of the costume coming from stash. So far so good. The mystery fabric is a bit hard to figure out how to best get the wrinkles out. I have the outer fabric for the sporting Basquine bodice to cut this week as well. So much to do.

So far the Beatrix Skirt from Sense and Sensibility Patterns is still one of the fastest throw together walking skirts. I would also recommend the 5 gore by Laughing Moon Patterns. The bodice will be from the Laughing Moon Sporting Costume. I decided I didn't want to tackle doing the bloomers just yet, there is still a lot of fabric and I could ideally get a pair out of that too, but right now the time crunch is at hand. Also, very facinated by the gaiters/leg treatments. Besides, I find it best not to learn a new pattern when under such a time was evident with the Tudor costume. Which still needs finishing. Hope to have done by BayCon.


Nautical Knitter said...

Would love to see photos!

janetc said...

hopefully will have some in progress photos soon, maybe tomorrow;-)