My all consuming passion this Sunday, is very white indeed. I have been sewing the chemise gown pattern using Rocking Horse Farm pattern but of course making changes along the way. The white is making me dizzy. I have been finally figuring out the sleeves, but not sure what to trim the neckline with, do I want to make flounces. To keep in line with the Costuming in Evil Econ theme, I used Ikea curtain panels from 5 years back. I wanted to ad some interest an not just have straight boring filmy gauze. It has a plaid pattern running through it and although I haven't found a picture with a plaid, I have s een stripes and dots and such.
Well, back to puffy sleeves of doom. Oh, and finally watching Moliere.
Coco 2008, 90 + degrees and just sweating like crazy.

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