Wednesday, January 30, 2008

And What New Year Costumes Are You Planning?

Yes, while it's still January, well, for one more day anyway, I have to plan these out. It was a challenge not to give up all together before starting this years plotting.

Every year around the holidays, I plan out several costume projects to finish up and get started. This is the time I normally have a bit of a break. This holiday season transpired plots against me.

Plot One
Too many customers at my business..This must have been the first year, even with a rather bleak economy, that I had such craziness with shipping. So crazy and then trying to make physical room to even sew was a challenge. Then when xmas came about, my computer dies...

Plot two
Yes, the computer dies and then I have to spend all my planned sewing time trying to get it fixed. I had at least three days planned to just spoil myself and sew! I was a wreck. To do my business I have to make money, to do that, there needs to be a computer. Buying new computer means less money and time for sewing!

Plot three
They say the fates conspire against me, and the next wammy was the power outage of several days that the rest of my holiday meant rescuing house and not being able to even do hand sewing.

So, with that start to a year, I decided to work on the sewing/business offices by organizing more and cleverly hiding things I sell behind fabric covers. I hope this will help when I do get to sew this weekend, artfully hiding distractions from myself helps a bunch.

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