Friday, December 30, 2011

Gray Elizabethan

Well, after nearly 15 years away from any Ren Faire participation, or costume creation for that matter, I have embarked on creating a few Elizabethan and Tudor Gowns. But first up is the Gray Elizabethan.

I found an elephant/pewter gray tone cotton velveteen piece of cloth and have created the hoops, roll, underskirt, starter corset(yes, it's a working corset, it needs replacing with better). This weekend, the New Year, I am beginning work on the bodice. I figured it was the closest to period I can get and well, velvet in cotton is costlier and so thick. Not to mention that it is so hard to find a cotton velvet.

Stay tuned for the struggles with trims. I may even get some basic beading done on this one.

Now, the hunt for the best faires in California!